Monday, December 29, 2008

'09 Resolutions

  • Be a better daughter/sister/friend.
  • Strive for A's & remain focused, no distractions.
  • Stay single ALAP. (As long as possible) [:
  • Lose 15 lbs. Meaning gym whenever possible w/ brothers.
  • Find a good paying job & save up $$$.
  • Finish the LVN program w/ flying colors.
  • Most importantly, stay happy & reach for success.
Merry belated Christmas! & Happy early New years, because I know I won't blog anytime soon after this one. Haha! Anyways. The week of Christmas consisted of HELLA shopping. Like forreals, me and Anne hit every mall within 3 days. Went to Oakridge Friday afternoon, to exchange shit. That's when our filipino-ness surfaces. (: The boys met up w/ us & killed game. Jk! Hahaha. Adley was down from LA, so I was supersupersuper happy to see him. After, went home & got ready to go out w/ the girlies plus Chris. Went to Sushi Factory for Barbz' cousin Joanne's 22nd birthday. Never eating there again. ]: Hella shady! Then after, we went to Laurichelle's 21st. Drank, got faded, picture-crazed and all that. Lost my phone for that night & I freaked out. But luckily it was found. [: Never ever ever ever going to let that happen again. I've never been apart from my phone for that long, hahah.

She don't plaaay, hahah.

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