Saturday, April 11, 2009

Doing it & doing it well

School's been taking a toll on me. Like really, I'm drained. My body's never been so exhausted and this lack of sleep isn't benefiting me at all. AND, it's only the beginning. I can complain all I want, but honestly, I love the rush. I just hope I can continue to keep up. When they said this nursing program was accelerated, they weren't kidding man. My class is def my backbone for the next 9 more months.

Me and the girls went to Voodoo last night, pretty fuckin crackin! Back to school girl mode tonight ):


Bernadette Ong said...

ay girl what day did u go to voodoo??

-bernie ;D

She Lives Wholesome said...

21 biaatch! i wana go clubbing with u!