Sunday, February 24, 2008

Stop pullin' my arm.

Toldya I wouldn't blog til' my next free weekend. I've been handlin' business on the low lately, occupied by school and family, and a pinch of the exfactor in the mix. (again, I know.) Kick me, slap me, pull out my hair.. I'm trying to quit bad habits. My first weekend sober in awhile, what a good thing that was. I feel healthier already. Gotta prep up for my birthday, right? Which is still being planned.. so far: piercing next weekend (with Amanda and Cheryl-Ann.), dinner (sushi, duh.), clubbing (abyss.), studio pictures with best, and drink-up/get (don't know where yet.) Sounds good? If you don't hear it from me, I prolly don't want you there. But I'm bored right now.. tell me why I was excited about making dinner, yet my mom ain't even home to eat it with me. First time makin' it.. smells good, so it's gotta taste good. Lemon sirloin steak topped with cream of mushroom w/ vegetables on toppa that. Yumyumyum.

So the exfactor.. I know I was doing good, so good without that nag on my shoulder. And there's always a "but,".. mine is, "But I can't see my life without him." Kinda like, once he entered it.. there's no exit for him. I've tried stepping over my pride, but it only pushed me to walk away. And when I did, he's still has a hold on me. What the fuck, man. I know I can be independent, and I am. If you're in the picture, then make believe you're worth keepin' around.. if not, am I wasting my time? At least he knows my worth now. People ask me, "Did you give in?" No.. because tomorrow, I can still walk away. Benefits of being less co-dependent. This time around, my happiness comes first AND I won't be getting back in any relationships this year. Mind's made up. Just stop aiming for the soft spot coz after everything's said and done.. our stubbornness is going to collide, again. Longest relationships were with each other, and I guess that's what still makes me pick up my phone when your ringtone goes off. Hate it, but whatever, don't fuck with me, forreals. I'm like a ticking time bomb, that's going to defuse quietly. So yeah, this brings me to how I've spent most of my week with him and the sissys. Played ball, shopped, ate fancy, did homework, dyed sissys' hair.. it was chill.

Look at my babygirl Mary, wearin' them Aqua 8's. He's hella ugly, swear. Anyways, back to me, hahah. Amanda, Cheryl-Ann and I are going to have a girl's night out. But instead of getting pampered, we're going to get pierced. Well deserved considering how both Cheryl-Ann and I have our birthdays next month. But yeah.. you'll see my collagen injections. Haha.. I also ordered my new phone, fucking finally eligible for an upgrade, after two years! Glacier white Palm Centro. Mmm. Nelle's substitution Treo has done me good, lately. But it's time for a new baby. Recently got a new house phone, too. It looks more like a cell, more than my phone does. S'cute thoooo.. it's red. K well I think that's 'nough blogging. School this weeeek, gay.. Tuesday/Wednesday meetings, even lamer.. Oh well, I got it down. Niteeee! Have a good week.

MY NEW BABY! (: Yay to me and Anne.


hellzajoan said...

Eww to you and Anne. I hella need a new phone. My camera lens is broken which leads to a broken camera. And it turns off on its own out of no where. -_- Gay.

Dude, your phone is hella cute. I hate you. I hate my life. HELLLO!?

Happy Early Birthday to you! We're going to hit the two's now!

Beeebz said...

niiice phone! :]

i didnt get zebra tips cz the place i went to didnt do em. where'd you get yours?

btw (since joan mentioned it) HAPPY EARLLY BERFDAY!!!

cheryl said...

duuude i passed by sprint and i saw the red version of that phone! it looks so cool. and that food, looks helllllla good too! haha. can't wait for friday ;)

Michelle said...

your house phone is hella cute! and yay happy birthmonth!