Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Back on this shit

I'm back. I know I suck at blogging consistently. Unfortunately I caught a virus yesterday, and I was puking my brains out, forreals. It was not cute. Yesterday, my brother had asked me to go to Costco w/ him. So I did, and I was fine at first. Then I started getting a throbbing headache, along with feeling nauseous. Ended up going home, not expecting to feel even worse. Stomach aches, chest pains, headaches. Basically, it was not a crackin' night for me. I woke up every hour, just to yack. ): So so so kawawa. I'm feeling much better than yesterday, but I'm still feeling weak. And it sucks! Seriously.. I'm in complete complain mood. But I lovelovelove my mom for dealing w/ me. She's been catering to me for the past two days.

I watched Twilight on Saturday night w/ my sisters. At first I was second-guessing the movie. Because I'm usually not into that kind of shit. But all I could say was, WOW. That was the best fucking movie ever. And I also didn't think I'd be on Edward Cullen's nuts. But damn, he's the second white boy that I'm in love with. My first one is Chad Michael Murray. (: But yeah.. It was just a goodass lovestory, and I'm hoppin on the book soon.

Just another vent. I'm so sick of dealing with bullshit. My life is my business. I've stayed out of your life, even when your decisions have definitely not been smart. But you know what, I've stopped caring a long time ago. If you don't hear from me, please don't be suprised. I've usually been the bigger person accepting your apologies, but I'm out of it. I don't care anymore. I'm tired of being nice.

On a better note, Christmas is around the corner! And I love this time of year. Especially w/ scrill in the bank! Time to spoil my loves. I'm in the mood to go iceskating, too. Good thing I'm going to Christmas in the Park on Saturday. (: I can't wait! And my tattoo appointment, I need to get inked up pronto. I finally made up my mind! And uhm.. Pacquiao whooped the Golden Boy. No suprise. I betted about 4 people, and came up on 3 bills. Nobody better back down on their bet, ooookay. Haha.

My girls have been the bestest friends ever. I hate it when girls say, "I don't roll w/ bitches cause they talk too much." Newsflash, every fucking girl talks smack! Whether, it's behind their own girls back, or someone they don't like. I don't think I've ever met a female that doesn't talk. I'm not saying I don't, because I admit.. I have my share of words. But honestly, I hate it when girls say they've grown out of talking shit. Like forreals? Luckily, I love my girls. And I'd never take them for granted. You just gotta know which ones to trust. Don't play the angel card. You're far from it. Hahah.

I've been wasting my minutes lately.. Mhm.

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