Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Annual scribbles

As 2008 comes to an end, I remember writing a blog similar to the one I'm about to write. Recalling this year, I grew to become less reliant on a significant other. Grew to become more self-sufficient. Everyone said it was weird seeing me single, while I was busy enjoying it. I was always the type to go back to what I was used to, because I was afraid of experiencing something new on my own. I maintained stability but it was a back and forth argument with a factor who could never understand me, nonetheless trust me. Well I won and I left. And I was pulled back in several times this year. I've never kicked and pushed so much in my life. Luckily I'm better at saying "no" now, more than ever.

"If you blame someone else for your pain then you're an asshole. You are your pain, nigga. You can cut yourself right now. That don't hurt because you are your pain. If it hurt you, then you done that. Its a mind thing. You ever notice when you have a stuffy nose or you have a cold & you eat something, you don't taste nothing, you be like "I can't eat nothing, I can't taste it, I'm hungry." That's because you don't actually taste nothing. You know what I mean? You are you. You make everything around you you. You make water, you make the sky, because its you. If you don't want that to be water then it ain't water, fuck. Its you, so...yadigg?" -Dwayne Michael Carter

This quote pretty much elaborates the reason for everyone's daily complaining. Including me, you, or your worst enemy.. It applies to the majority of us. When you pick fights for stupid reasons, it adds fuel to the fire. And in the end, you get burned basically. Tryna fight for something more, ignoring the fact that you already have it as good as it gets, only adds more to your own frustration. And it's about time, I take my own advice. Someone kidnap the bitch inside of me and never bring her back.

Being nice is no longer my weakness. =T

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