Thursday, December 18, 2008

"He said he didn't know.."

..A female's worth. Not a girl, or a woman, but a female in general. I was choppin' it up with one of my girls earlier, and it just trips me out how guys still don't know how to grow up. I thought by now, guys could distinguish right from wrong. I mean cmon now, how old are you guys? It sucks seeing my girls go through shit like this. It just doesn't cut on my list. If it's me, it's coo coz I can hang. But seeing one of my girls, I can't shake it. So to my girls feelin' down and out, feel better and upgrade! Don't feel like you're obliged to stick around just because "We've been together for too long to call it quits." There's always hope beyond a struggle. And every female deserves best, regardless of the circumstances.

Weekend's finally here. Yayayayayay. & Look at that smile..... Mmm! (:<

1 comment:

Bernadette Ong said...

girrl i feel you lol i was bout to write one too bout that. males are stupid.

-bernie ;D