Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Fresh breathe of air

With 3 hours left of 2008, I dwell on how much I've grown. Not intending to point fingers at my past, but it's such a load off my shoulders to know that I've leaped over every obstacle life threw at me. Honestly, I've never been happier than I am now. This year, I've gained and I've lost. I've loved and I've fallen out. I've realized who my real friends are and who I just can't seem to trust. I've messed up, but most importantly I've learned. This year has been strenuous, but I'm glad to be blessed with another year. 2009, will be my year to shine. It's going to be mine. :]

Off to celebrate the new year [: This weekend's going to be fun-filled. Cannot wait! & Congrats to Alexalee aka sees on her engagement! I'm happy for you. <33

1 comment:

Anne said...

fix my blogspot!! k i hate you bye