Saturday, December 20, 2008

Heeeem & apple juice

Just how I like it. Yesterday was busy busy busy. Went to our new house to do some more painting. We found renters, btw! They're moving in after Christmas. So it's going to be hectic until then, with all the cleaning/painting. After, got home and freshened up, then went to Eastridge w/ my mamas. Bumped into the boys, and then Arturo called me, and their crazyasses were camping out for the 11/12's package. Trippin! So I did alot of shopping, and met up with them after I was done. Saw Billy! Missed that nigga! Chilled outside until I couldn't take the fuckin' cold anymore. Left to get ready for the club. Took shots at Eva's. Waited for the rest of the girls, then cut out to Abyss. Swigged in the car and picture-crazed. I hate that club. It was so empty at first, but we made it fun! And it's fun when all of us are single. (: Cut out early, and ate at Iguana's. The boys took too long to leave Abyss, so we just posted in front of Eva's only to decide we're all going home. Hahah. Talked to Johnfool until like 3, coz his ass left to get the package, too. That was my night! Overall, I had fun w/ the girls. Moving on to city clubs next though. Because I'm 21 in 3 fucking months! And after talking to Barbz today, she's making me excited! This week is going to be so busy with Christmas eve & day, then the weekend! I can't wait and it can't get any better. (: Really tho! Today was fucking chill, I got to catch up on my zzzzsleep!

"No more hissyfits and snobby outbreaks, shit...." Lol at my sister's text earlier. She definitely knows me best. After 11 years plus, she grew on me like after the first month. Ever since, we can pretty much finish each other's sentences. Idk what I'd do without her. So she came over today, because she can sense my hangovers. She said it's the tone of my voice? Idkwtf she's weird. Haha. Then we have one of those talks we always have. Something like this..

"Sweet just isn't as sweet.. without the bitter." It makes definite sense. Don't you hate it when a random song comes up, then that someone you've been dodging texts you, and you see something that reminds you of your past? It happens to the best of us and it's shit like that that makes me so thankful for where I'm at now. Overcoming the challenges that I chased, puts me in the ideal position that I'm chillen at right now. Everyone calls it the single life, I call it stability. So chase after it, even if it feels wrong. In the end, you'll get a lesson out of it. So you can be like Keri Hilson and rip out a page of your memory. Front like it's not there, when undeniably, it's embedded in your head. All you gotta do is thank it for happening, and let the good things ride. Fly solo with no strings attached, and you'll be coo.

Mine and Anne's NBA hubbies played against each other. It was like heaven! Williams and Rose, and Barbosa and Anthony. Bulls won, Nuggets lost, Lakers lost, Warriors won? WtfIdk, what's going on. But look at my hubbabubba chillen. NBA boys = my weakness forever.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

i do that all the time! i pretend like everything's just fine and dandy even when the world around me is falling apart lol. i think it's cause my dad told me if i let the world know my emotions, they might take advantage of me. but it works for me anyway. as long as you pretend you're okay, you'll eventually be okay.

but i am verrrrrry glad to hear you're enjoying the stability of single life. it's always a plus to know that YOUR happiness depends on no one other than yourself, isn't it? and all the money that you would've spent on a boy (and his shoes) now goes to you!